: Doubly robust estimators
of ordinal treatment effectsOrdinal outcomes are commonly encountered in practice. For example, randomized trials evaluating treatments for COVID-19, the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, often consider ordinal outcomes such as: death, intubation, or no adverse event. In these settings it is important to pre-specify an estimand that quantifies the effect of the treatment on the outcome distribution in a way that is interpretable and closely related to patient care. Several such estimands are commonly employed including:
Simple nonparametric estimates of these quantities are readily
available. For example, in the context of a randomized trial, the
difference in means parameter can be consistently estimated by a
difference in sample means. Similarly straightforward estimates are
available for the other quantities. These simple estimators can be
improved by considering adjustment for baseline covariates that are
prognostic of the study outcome. Adjusting for covariates yields
estimates that are more precise than unadjusted estimates.
Thus, the power to detect treatment effects may be improved by utilizing
these estimators. The drord
package provides
covariate-adjusted estimates of the three quantities above, along with
several methods that are useful for analyzing studies with ordinal
To solidify ideas, we briefly introduce notation. Let X be a vector of baseline covariates that could include continuous, binary, or categorical components, A be a binary treatment vector (assuming values 1, e.g., for active treatment and 0, e.g., for a control treatment or standard of care), and Y be an ordinal-valued outcome encoded to assume numeric values j = 0, 1, ..., K. We assume that the data consist of n independent copies of the random variable O = (X, A, Y).
Our estimators are constructed by first estimating key nuisance
parameters describing different aspects of the distribution of
O. These nuisance parameters
are not directly of interest, but are used as an intermediate step in
the estimation procedure. We describe these nuisance quantities
mathematically and return to these ideas when we demonstrate how to
control their estimation within the drord
The first nuisance parameter is P(A|X), the conditional probability of the treatment variable given baseline covariates. This quantity is known exactly in a randomized trial and may not depend at all on X (e.g., if randomization is not stratified by covariates). We use π̂(a|x) to denote an estimate of P(A = a|X = x) for a = 0, 1 and a given covariate values x. This estimate could be set exactly equal to the known randomization probability, the sample proportion that receive treatment a, or a logistic regression model to adjust for chance imbalances in X across the treatment arms.
We also require estimates of {P(Y ≤ j|A = a, X), j = 0, 1, ..., J} for a = 0, 1. We refer to these as treatment-specific conditional distribution functions (CDFs) of the outcome. Our estimators are built on a working proportional odds regression model: for j = 0, ..., K − 1, logit{P(Y ≤ j|A = a, X = x)} = mαa, βa(j, x) = αa(j) + βa⊤x . Importantly, the validity (i.e., consistency, asymptotic normality) of our estimators does not rely on this working model being correctly specified. For a = 0, 1 our estimates of αa, βa are chosen by minimizing $$ -\sum_{j=0}^{K-1} \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{I\{A_i = a\}}{\hat{\pi}(A_i | X_i)} \log\left[m_{\alpha,\beta}(j,X_i)^{I(Y_i\le j)}\{1-m_{\alpha,\beta}(j,X_i)\}^{I(Y_i> j)}\right] \ . \label{eq:empiricalRisk} $$ This estimation can be carried out using standard software packages (discussed in detail below) for fitting proportional odds models by including observation-level weights equal for the i-th observation equal to I{Ai = a}/π̂(Ai|Xi). Note that this procedure is repeated in each treatment arm separately.
Finally, we require an estimate for each x of FX(x) = P(X ≤ x), the distribution of baseline covariates. Our estimators use the empirical distribution of this quantity.
We can create a covariate-adjusted estimate of the CDF ψa(j) = P(Y ≤ j|A = a) by marginalizing the conditional CDF estimates with respect to the distribution of baseline covariates. By the law of total probability ψa(j) = E{P(Y ≤ j|A = a, X)} = ∫P(Y ≤ j|A = a, X)dFX(x). A plug-in estimate of this quantity based on our working model estimates is $$ \hat{\psi}_a(j) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n m_{\hat{\alpha}_a,\hat{\beta}_a}(j,X_i). \label{eq:CDF} $$
This estimate of ψa(j) is doubly robust in that it is consistent if at least one of π̂ and logit−1(mα̂a, β̂a) are consistent forthe true propensity score or true conditional CDF, respectively. The key to establishing this is to note that by including weights in the proportional odds model and including j-specific intercept terms $$ \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{I\{A_i=a\}}{\hat{\pi}(A_i|X_i)}\left\{I(Y_i\le j) - m_{\hat{\alpha}_a,\hat{\beta}_a}(j,X_i)\right\} = 0. $$ is satisfied for each j = 0, ..., K.
The estimates ψ̂a(j) of ψa(j) can now be mapped into estimates of the effects of interest. For simplicity of notation, we introduce notation for the implied treatment-specific probability mass function (PMF). In particular, we define θ̂a(0) = ψ̂a(0) and for j = 1, …, K define θ̂a(j) = ψ̂a(j) − ψ̂a(j − 1). Estimates of the treatment effect parameters can be computed as follows. The estimate for the difference in weighted means is $$ \sum_{j=0}^K \ j \ w_j \{\hat{\theta}_1(j) - \hat{\theta}_0(j)\} \ , $$ where wj is the weight assigned to outcome level j. The estimate of the average log-odds ratio is $$ \frac{1}{K} \sum_{j=0}^{K-1} \left[\mbox{log}\left\{\frac{\hat{\psi}_1(j)}{1 - \hat{\psi}_1(j)} \right\} - \mbox{log} \left\{\frac{\hat{\psi}_0(j)}{1 - \hat{\psi}_0(j)} \right\} \right] \ . $$ The estimate of the Mann-Whitney estimand is $$ \sum_{j=0}^{K} \left\{\hat{\psi}_0(j-1) + \frac{1}{2} \hat{\theta}_0(j) \right\} \hat{\theta}_1(j) \ . $$
Standard error estimates can be derived using influence functions and the delta method. Alternatively, nonparametric bootstrap can be used. In the next section, we discuss the implementation of these for building confidence intervals.
functionThe main function in this package is the eponymous drord
function. We illustrate its usage using the covid19
set included with the package. This is a simulated data set mimicking a
randomized COVID-19 treatment trial, where we will illustrate how such a
trial could be analyzed while adjusting for patient age. The control arm
data were simulated to match the outcomes of a CDC preliminary
description of 2,449 cases reported to the CDC from February 12 to March
16, 2020. The data were simulated such that the treatment decreased the
probability of intubation, but has no impact on the probability of
death. The data can be loaded and viewed as follows.
## out age_grp treat
## 1 3 3 1
## 2 3 6 0
## 3 2 7 0
The data include three variables:
: the study outcome with 1 representing death, 2
intubation, 3 no adverse outcome;age_grp
: age category with 1 the youngest and 7 the
oldest represent age groups (0-19, 20-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, 75-84,
≥ 85);treat
: hypothetical treatment, here 1 represents an the
effective, active treatment and 0 a standard of care condition.We begin with a simple call to drord
to familiarize
ourselves with its output
(fit1 <- drord(out = covid19$out, treat = covid19$treat,
covar = covid19[ , "age_grp", drop = FALSE]))
## $mann_whitney
## est wald_cil wald_ciu
## 0.5800689 0.5337929 0.6263449
## $log_odds
## est wald_cil wald_ciu
## treat1 -1.2922742 -1.5719616 -1.01258678
## treat0 -0.9163279 -1.1533670 -0.67928881
## diff -0.3759463 -0.7254384 -0.02645421
## $weighted_mean
## est wald_cil wald_ciu
## treat1 2.5554260 2.46316500 2.6476871
## treat0 2.3721986 2.28768451 2.4567127
## diff 0.1832275 0.06389974 0.3025552
The main function inputs are out
, treat
and covar
. Note that covar
must be input as a
even though in this example it contains only a
single covariate. We see that the function returns estimates of each of
the three parameters described above. For the log-odds and weighted mean
parameters, output is broken down into treatment-specific estimates, as
well as the difference. Thus the row labeled treat1
corresponds to inference about $\sum_{j=0}^K \ j \ w_j \theta_1(j)$, the
weighted mean in the treat=1
group. Similarly, the row
label treat0
in $log_odds
corresponds to
inference about $$
\frac{1}{K} \sum_{j=0}^{K-1} \mbox{log}\left\{\frac{\psi_1(j)}{1 -
\psi_1(j)} \right\} \ .
In addition to the treatment effect parameters, one can obtain
inference about ψa and θa. This
information can be viewed in the $cdf
and $pdf
output, respectively, or can be plotted using ggplot2
the plot.drord
# plot of CDF
cdf_plot <- plot(fit1, dist = "cdf",
treat_labels = c("Treatment", "Control"),
out_labels = c("Death", "Death or intubation"))
cdf_plot$plot + ggsci::scale_fill_nejm()
Plot of treatment-specific CDF. Black bars are pointwise 95% confidence intervals; gray bars are 95% simultaneous confidence bands.
Note that custom labels for treatments and outcome levels are allowed. For the CDF, the the outcome labels should correspond to labels for outcome levels 0, 1, …, K − 1 (as the CDF evaluated at K is always equal to 1).
A similar plot for the PMF can be obtained.
# plot of PMF
pmf_plot <- plot(fit1, dist = "pmf",
treat_labels = c("Treatment", "Control"),
out_labels = c("Death", "Intubation", "None"))
pmf_plot$plot + ggsci::scale_fill_nejm()
Plot of treatment-specific PMF. Black bars are pointwise 95% confidence intervals; gray bars are 95% simultaneous confidence bands.
Text can be added to the bars as follow.
pmf_plot$plot +
ggsci::scale_fill_nejm() +
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(y = 0,
label = sprintf("%1.2f", Proportion)),
position = ggplot2::position_dodge(0.9),
color = "white",
vjust = "bottom")
Plot of treatment-specific PMF with text added.
In the simple call, we used default working models. The
documentation indicates that the working model fits
can be controlled via the out_form
models. These options include the
right-hand-side of a regression formula for estimation of their
respective nuisance parameters. The default for the outcome model
(out_form = ".")
is a main-effects pooled logistic
regression model for proportional odds. The default for the treatment
model is an intercept-only logistic regression model
(treat_form = 1
), i.e., the sample proportion of
individuals in each treatment arm. Here, we illustrate another call to
where we treat age_grp
as a
rather than numeric in the outcome model and include
adjustment for age_grp
in the propensity model.
(fit2 <- drord(out = covid19$out, treat = covid19$treat,
covar = covid19[ , "age_grp", drop = FALSE],
out_form = "factor(age_grp)",
treat_form = "factor(age_grp)"))
## $mann_whitney
## est wald_cil wald_ciu
## 0.5795097 0.5337040 0.6253155
## $log_odds
## est wald_cil wald_ciu
## treat1 -1.3037590 -1.5715576 -1.03596052
## treat0 -0.8903684 -1.1365746 -0.64416223
## diff -0.4133906 -0.7594801 -0.06730116
## $weighted_mean
## est wald_cil wald_ciu
## treat1 2.5563878 2.46842001 2.6443556
## treat0 2.3665194 2.27816560 2.4548732
## diff 0.1898684 0.07113711 0.3085997
By default models are returned in the drord
object; this
behavior can be suppressed via the return_models
The fitted working models can be accessed via $out_mod
, which we can use to confirm that the models
were fit as expected in fit1
and fit2
. Note
that out_mod
is a list of length two, which contains a
fitted proportional odds model for each treatment level.
## $glm_fit
## Call: stats::glm(formula = stats::update(form, stats::formula(paste0(new_out_name,
## "~.-1+", out_name))), family = binomial(), data = data_pooled,
## weights = wgts)
## Coefficients:
## age_grp out1 out2
## 0.696 -5.570 -4.693
## Degrees of Freedom: 482 Total (i.e. Null); 479 Residual
## Null Deviance: 1386
## Residual Deviance: 910.5 AIC: 883.7
## $data
## out age_grp
## 1 3 3
## 5 1 6
## 9 3 4
## 10 3 3
## 12 3 3
## 14 2 6
## 15 3 7
## 17 3 4
## 18 3 3
## 20 3 7
## 24 3 6
## 27 1 6
## 28 3 3
## 32 3 4
## 34 3 4
## 35 3 2
## 37 3 2
## 39 2 5
## 41 2 7
## 44 3 5
## 45 3 3
## 46 3 3
## 47 2 3
## 50 3 4
## 52 3 4
## 55 3 5
## 58 3 3
## 59 3 7
## 60 3 3
## 61 1 6
## 62 3 7
## 63 3 5
## 66 3 7
## 67 3 3
## 69 3 7
## 75 3 7
## 79 3 6
## 81 3 5
## 82 2 5
## 83 3 2
## 90 3 3
## 95 3 4
## 97 3 3
## 98 1 7
## 99 3 7
## 108 3 6
## 109 3 6
## 111 2 5
## 114 3 7
## 116 3 7
## 117 3 3
## 119 3 7
## 122 3 3
## 124 2 7
## 127 3 4
## 129 1 4
## 131 3 7
## 132 2 6
## 135 3 2
## 137 3 5
## 140 2 4
## 142 3 7
## 144 3 5
## 145 3 6
## 150 3 6
## 153 3 7
## 162 3 5
## 163 3 4
## 165 3 6
## 166 3 6
## 169 2 5
## 175 1 7
## 176 3 3
## 181 3 1
## 183 1 7
## 184 3 6
## 185 3 7
## 187 1 7
## 188 3 4
## 189 3 7
## 190 3 5
## 192 3 1
## 194 2 6
## 195 3 7
## 198 3 3
## 201 3 6
## 203 2 6
## 206 1 7
## 207 2 7
## 208 1 7
## 209 3 5
## 210 3 3
## 213 1 7
## 215 3 4
## 216 3 6
## 218 3 4
## 219 3 5
## 222 3 7
## 223 1 7
## 224 1 7
## 225 3 6
## 226 3 4
## 227 3 7
## 230 3 6
## 233 3 3
## 234 1 6
## 235 3 6
## 236 3 3
## 238 3 5
## 241 3 5
## 243 3 3
## 244 3 7
## 247 1 7
## 249 3 6
## 250 2 6
## 251 2 6
## 254 1 7
## 257 1 7
## 260 1 6
## 261 3 7
## 263 3 6
## 264 3 2
## 267 2 5
## 268 3 3
## 270 1 7
## 272 3 7
## 273 3 7
## 274 1 7
## 275 1 7
## 276 3 4
## 278 1 7
## 279 2 5
## 280 1 6
## 281 3 3
## 285 3 3
## 294 3 4
## 295 3 7
## 296 1 7
## 298 3 5
## 299 2 6
## 300 3 6
## 302 3 3
## 306 3 4
## 307 3 4
## 310 2 7
## 311 1 7
## 312 2 6
## 313 3 4
## 316 3 7
## 318 2 7
## 319 3 4
## 322 3 5
## 323 3 4
## 324 3 2
## 332 3 7
## 337 3 5
## 338 3 7
## 341 3 5
## 342 3 6
## 343 3 7
## 344 3 7
## 346 3 7
## 351 3 1
## 352 3 6
## 354 3 5
## 355 3 2
## 356 2 6
## 358 3 3
## 362 2 7
## 365 3 4
## 370 1 7
## 372 3 2
## 373 3 6
## 374 3 5
## 376 2 6
## 377 1 5
## 378 3 4
## 380 3 5
## 382 3 1
## 383 3 4
## 384 3 7
## 385 1 7
## 387 3 7
## 389 3 2
## 392 3 1
## 393 3 3
## 397 3 6
## 399 3 5
## 400 3 3
## 401 3 3
## 402 3 5
## 403 3 4
## 404 3 3
## 406 3 6
## 413 3 4
## 414 3 2
## 416 3 4
## 417 1 7
## 421 2 3
## 422 1 6
## 423 3 5
## 424 3 6
## 426 3 6
## 427 1 7
## 430 2 7
## 432 3 2
## 438 1 7
## 439 3 3
## 444 3 3
## 445 1 3
## 447 3 6
## 449 3 6
## 452 3 7
## 453 3 7
## 454 2 4
## 457 3 2
## 461 1 6
## 462 3 3
## 463 2 6
## 464 1 7
## 465 3 3
## 468 3 3
## 472 1 7
## 473 3 6
## 474 2 4
## 477 2 4
## 479 3 7
## 480 2 3
## 481 3 4
## 482 3 7
## 484 3 6
## 485 1 6
## 486 1 7
## 490 3 7
## 491 3 7
## 493 1 7
## 495 3 3
## 496 2 5
## 497 1 7
## 499 3 7
## 500 1 7
## $levs
## [1] "1" "2" "3"
## $out_name
## [1] "out"
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "POplugin"
## $glm_fit
## Call: stats::glm(formula = stats::update(form, stats::formula(paste0(new_out_name,
## "~.-1+", out_name))), family = binomial(), data = data_pooled,
## weights = wgts)
## Coefficients:
## factor(age_grp)1 factor(age_grp)2 factor(age_grp)3 factor(age_grp)4
## -18.3822 -18.5538 -3.2663 -2.8477
## factor(age_grp)5 factor(age_grp)6 factor(age_grp)7 out2
## -2.3014 -1.3696 -0.7694 0.9703
## Degrees of Freedom: 482 Total (i.e. Null); 474 Residual
## Null Deviance: 1386
## Residual Deviance: 873.7 AIC: 935.5
## $data
## out age_grp
## 1 3 3
## 5 1 6
## 9 3 4
## 10 3 3
## 12 3 3
## 14 2 6
## 15 3 7
## 17 3 4
## 18 3 3
## 20 3 7
## 24 3 6
## 27 1 6
## 28 3 3
## 32 3 4
## 34 3 4
## 35 3 2
## 37 3 2
## 39 2 5
## 41 2 7
## 44 3 5
## 45 3 3
## 46 3 3
## 47 2 3
## 50 3 4
## 52 3 4
## 55 3 5
## 58 3 3
## 59 3 7
## 60 3 3
## 61 1 6
## 62 3 7
## 63 3 5
## 66 3 7
## 67 3 3
## 69 3 7
## 75 3 7
## 79 3 6
## 81 3 5
## 82 2 5
## 83 3 2
## 90 3 3
## 95 3 4
## 97 3 3
## 98 1 7
## 99 3 7
## 108 3 6
## 109 3 6
## 111 2 5
## 114 3 7
## 116 3 7
## 117 3 3
## 119 3 7
## 122 3 3
## 124 2 7
## 127 3 4
## 129 1 4
## 131 3 7
## 132 2 6
## 135 3 2
## 137 3 5
## 140 2 4
## 142 3 7
## 144 3 5
## 145 3 6
## 150 3 6
## 153 3 7
## 162 3 5
## 163 3 4
## 165 3 6
## 166 3 6
## 169 2 5
## 175 1 7
## 176 3 3
## 181 3 1
## 183 1 7
## 184 3 6
## 185 3 7
## 187 1 7
## 188 3 4
## 189 3 7
## 190 3 5
## 192 3 1
## 194 2 6
## 195 3 7
## 198 3 3
## 201 3 6
## 203 2 6
## 206 1 7
## 207 2 7
## 208 1 7
## 209 3 5
## 210 3 3
## 213 1 7
## 215 3 4
## 216 3 6
## 218 3 4
## 219 3 5
## 222 3 7
## 223 1 7
## 224 1 7
## 225 3 6
## 226 3 4
## 227 3 7
## 230 3 6
## 233 3 3
## 234 1 6
## 235 3 6
## 236 3 3
## 238 3 5
## 241 3 5
## 243 3 3
## 244 3 7
## 247 1 7
## 249 3 6
## 250 2 6
## 251 2 6
## 254 1 7
## 257 1 7
## 260 1 6
## 261 3 7
## 263 3 6
## 264 3 2
## 267 2 5
## 268 3 3
## 270 1 7
## 272 3 7
## 273 3 7
## 274 1 7
## 275 1 7
## 276 3 4
## 278 1 7
## 279 2 5
## 280 1 6
## 281 3 3
## 285 3 3
## 294 3 4
## 295 3 7
## 296 1 7
## 298 3 5
## 299 2 6
## 300 3 6
## 302 3 3
## 306 3 4
## 307 3 4
## 310 2 7
## 311 1 7
## 312 2 6
## 313 3 4
## 316 3 7
## 318 2 7
## 319 3 4
## 322 3 5
## 323 3 4
## 324 3 2
## 332 3 7
## 337 3 5
## 338 3 7
## 341 3 5
## 342 3 6
## 343 3 7
## 344 3 7
## 346 3 7
## 351 3 1
## 352 3 6
## 354 3 5
## 355 3 2
## 356 2 6
## 358 3 3
## 362 2 7
## 365 3 4
## 370 1 7
## 372 3 2
## 373 3 6
## 374 3 5
## 376 2 6
## 377 1 5
## 378 3 4
## 380 3 5
## 382 3 1
## 383 3 4
## 384 3 7
## 385 1 7
## 387 3 7
## 389 3 2
## 392 3 1
## 393 3 3
## 397 3 6
## 399 3 5
## 400 3 3
## 401 3 3
## 402 3 5
## 403 3 4
## 404 3 3
## 406 3 6
## 413 3 4
## 414 3 2
## 416 3 4
## 417 1 7
## 421 2 3
## 422 1 6
## 423 3 5
## 424 3 6
## 426 3 6
## 427 1 7
## 430 2 7
## 432 3 2
## 438 1 7
## 439 3 3
## 444 3 3
## 445 1 3
## 447 3 6
## 449 3 6
## 452 3 7
## 453 3 7
## 454 2 4
## 457 3 2
## 461 1 6
## 462 3 3
## 463 2 6
## 464 1 7
## 465 3 3
## 468 3 3
## 472 1 7
## 473 3 6
## 474 2 4
## 477 2 4
## 479 3 7
## 480 2 3
## 481 3 4
## 482 3 7
## 484 3 6
## 485 1 6
## 486 1 7
## 490 3 7
## 491 3 7
## 493 1 7
## 495 3 3
## 496 2 5
## 497 1 7
## 499 3 7
## 500 1 7
## $levs
## [1] "1" "2" "3"
## $out_name
## [1] "out"
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "POplugin"
Other packages are available for fitting the proportional odds
models, though for technical reasons, these approaches are not generally
recommended. Each of the three proportional odds implementations that
are available are based on the same model, but the numerical routines
for estimating model parameters are different. Thus, if warnings or
errors appear in the ordinal
fitting routine, one may
consider one of the alternative packages. Options are vglm
(from the VGAM
package), or polr
(from the
package). In simulations, we have seen more stable
performance from vglm
and clm
. Here we
demonstrate this control.
# use vglm to fit model instead
fit3 <- drord(out = covid19$out, treat = covid19$treat,
covar = covid19[ , "age_grp", drop = FALSE],
out_model = "vglm")
# view model output
## Call:
## VGAM::vglm(formula = stats::as.formula(paste0("factor(out, ordered = TRUE) ~",
## out_form)), family = VGAM::propodds, data = data.frame(out = out,
## covar)[treat == trt_level, , drop = FALSE], weights = 1/trt_spec_prob_est[treat ==
## trt_level])
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept):1 (Intercept):2 age_grp
## 5.1677586 4.3064221 -0.6384325
## Degrees of Freedom: 482 Total; 479 Residual
## Residual deviance: 731.7883
## Log-likelihood: -365.8941
By default, drord
will used closed-form inference. While
this is generally faster, we may instead prefer to use bootstrap
confidence intervals, which should provide more robust behavior when
working models are misspecified. Bootstrap intervals can be requested
via the ci = "bca"
, with option nboot
determining the number of bootstrap resamples performed. The bootstrap
employed by the package is the bias corrected and accelerated bootstrap
(Efron and Tibshirani 1994). In
practice, we recommend using many bootstrap samples (e.g.,
nboot = 1e4
), so that inference is not dependent on the
random seed that is set; however, here we illustrate using a small
number of bootstrap samples for fast compilation of this vignette. To
increase speed, we also turn off estimation of confidence intervals for
the CDF and PMF by setting est_dist = FALSE
(fit4 <- drord(out = covid19$out, treat = covid19$treat,
covar = covid19[ , "age_grp", drop = FALSE],
ci = "bca", nboot = 20, # use more bootstrap samples in practice!!!
param = "mann_whitney", # only compute mann-whitney estimator
est_dist = FALSE)) # save time by not computing CIs for CDF/PMF
## $mann_whitney
## est bca_cil bca_ciu
## 0.5800689 0.5469960 0.6035409
An alternative approach in settings with low-dimensional covariates is to use fully stratified estimators. That is, we take our estimate of P(Y ≤ j|A = a, X = x) to be the empirical proportion of the sample with A = a and X = x observed to have Y ≤ j. This is the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator. The estimator is nonparametric efficient under no assumptions; however, this estimator can only be computed when X contains only discrete components. Moreover, it will exhibit unstable finite-sample behavior if only few observations are observed with A = a and X = x. Thus, our implementation of this estimator is restricted to univariate X. If, in reality, X contains e.g., 2 binary components, then a univariate covariate could be constructed with one level for each of the cells in the 2x2 table. We leave this sort of pre-processing to the user.
Here we illustrate the stratified estimator in action.
(fit5 <- drord(out = covid19$out, treat = covid19$treat,
covar = covid19[ , "age_grp", drop = FALSE],
stratify = TRUE))
## $mann_whitney
## est wald_cil wald_ciu
## 0.5795097 0.5335462 0.6254733
## $log_odds
## est wald_cil wald_ciu
## treat1 -1.3037591 -1.5875619 -1.01995619
## treat0 -0.8903684 -1.1215380 -0.65919891
## diff -0.4133906 -0.7617605 -0.06502069
## $weighted_mean
## est wald_cil wald_ciu
## treat1 2.5563878 2.46409511 2.6486805
## treat0 2.3665194 2.28201897 2.4510198
## diff 0.1898684 0.07065993 0.3090769
In general, out_form
is ignored if
stratify = TRUE
; the exception is if
out_form = "1"
, then it is assumed that one wishes to
obtain a covariate-unadjusted estimate of the treatment
(fit6 <- drord(out = covid19$out, treat = covid19$treat,
covar = covid19[ , "age_grp", drop = FALSE],
stratify = TRUE, out_form = "1",
param = "weighted_mean"))
## $weighted_mean
## est wald_cil wald_ciu
## treat1 2.5269710 2.429936910 2.6240050
## treat0 2.3938224 2.306190947 2.4814538
## diff 0.1331486 0.002401185 0.2638959
## [1] 2.526971
## [1] 2.393822
Missing outcome values are permitted in drord
. To
implement this approach, the function simply applies the methods as
described above, but with treat
recoded as 0 to indicate
that an observation had treat = 0
and had their outcome
measured, 1 to indicate an observation that had treat = 1
and had their outcome measured, and -1 to indicate that the outcome is
missing. The propensity score estimation thus includes two components,
one for the probability that the re-coded treat = 1
, the other for the probability that the re-coded
treat = 0
given covar
. In the example below,
we introduce some missingness into the outcome based on
and call drord
# missingness probability
miss_out_prob <- plogis(-2 + as.numeric(covid19$age_grp < 5))
miss_out <- rbinom(nrow(covid19), 1, miss_out_prob) == 1
out_with_miss <- covid19$out
out_with_miss[miss_out] <- NA
# correctly model missingness
(fit7 <- drord(out = out_with_miss, treat = covid19$treat,
covar = covid19[ , "age_grp", drop = FALSE],
treat_form = "I(age_grp < 5)"))
## $mann_whitney
## est wald_cil wald_ciu
## 0.5833653 0.5316422 0.6350885
## $log_odds
## est wald_cil wald_ciu
## treat1 -1.2385860 -1.5334750 -0.943696898
## treat0 -0.8591443 -1.1110263 -0.607262365
## diff -0.3794416 -0.7519754 -0.006907782
## $weighted_mean
## est wald_cil wald_ciu
## treat1 2.5357130 2.4355784 2.6358475
## treat0 2.3452751 2.2542474 2.4363028
## diff 0.1904378 0.0602741 0.3206016
Though not the focus of the drord
package, it is
possible to use drord
to compute a doubly robust estimate
of the risk difference when the outcome is binary. In this case, the
package defaults to estimating the outcome distribution using logistic
regression (as implemented in the stats::glm
function). We
demonstrate in the call below.
# collapse categories to make a binary outcome
covid19_binary_out <- as.numeric(covid19$out == 3)
# call drord, only requesting weighted mean with equal
# weights; which in this case equals the risk difference
(fit8 <- drord(out = covid19_binary_out, treat = covid19$treat,
covar = covid19[ , "age_grp", drop = FALSE],
param = "weighted_mean",
est_dist = FALSE)) # must be FALSE to run
## $weighted_mean
## est wald_cil wald_ciu
## treat1 0.7108203 0.6549009 0.7667397
## treat0 0.5214215 0.4622688 0.5805742
## diff 0.1893988 0.1107782 0.2680193
## [1] "glm" "lm"
## R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
## Running under: Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/libblas.so.3
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/libopenblasp-r0.3.26.so; LAPACK version 3.12.0
## locale:
## time zone: Etc/UTC
## tzcode source: system (glibc)
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
## other attached packages:
## [1] drord_1.0.1.9000 rmarkdown_2.29
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] Matrix_1.7-2 gtable_0.3.6 jsonlite_1.9.0
## [4] ucminf_1.2.2 compiler_4.4.2 VGAM_1.1-13
## [7] jquerylib_0.1.4 splines_4.4.2 scales_1.3.0
## [10] yaml_2.3.10 fastmap_1.2.0 lattice_0.22-6
## [13] ggplot2_3.5.1 R6_2.6.1 labeling_0.4.3
## [16] ordinal_2023.12-4.1 knitr_1.49 MASS_7.3-65
## [19] tibble_3.2.1 maketools_1.3.2 munsell_0.5.1
## [22] bslib_0.9.0 pillar_1.10.1 rlang_1.1.5
## [25] ggsci_3.2.0 cachem_1.1.0 xfun_0.51
## [28] sass_0.4.9 sys_3.4.3 cli_3.6.4
## [31] withr_3.0.2 magrittr_2.0.3 digest_0.6.37
## [34] grid_4.4.2 lifecycle_1.0.4 nlme_3.1-167
## [37] vctrs_0.6.5 evaluate_1.0.3 glue_1.8.0
## [40] farver_2.1.2 numDeriv_2016.8-1.1 buildtools_1.0.0
## [43] stats4_4.4.2 colorspace_2.1-1 tools_4.4.2
## [46] pkgconfig_2.0.3 htmltools_0.5.8.1